Lathi charge on SDM in Patna: During the Bharat Bandh in Bihar’s capital, Patna, a controversial incident occurred where police officers mistakenly beat SDM Shrikant Kundlikhand. The incident happened when the SDM instructed the police to shut down a generator mounted on a cart to control the protestors.
A video of the incident has gone viral on social media, showing the SDM, dressed in a white shirt, giving instructions to shut down the generator on the cart when the police mistakenly started beating him with lathi.
Watch Video (Lathi charge on SDM in Patna)
SDM saahab ko hi koot diya patna main 🤣🤣 (0.6 – 0.9) #BharatBandh
— Prayag (@theprayagtiwari) August 21, 2024
The police were using batons to disperse the protestors and, in the chaos, mistook the SDM for one of the protestors and started hitting him. This led to an awkward situation between the police and the administration. When a senior police officer realized that the SDM was being beaten, they immediately stopped the police personnel and informed the SDM of the situation. The police officers then apologized to the SDM, explaining that the mistake was unintentional.
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