Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke on the phone with Rekha Patra, a victim from Sandeshkhali, West Bengal, on Tuesday. During the conversation, PM Modi also referred to Rekha Patra as an embodiment of strength.
The PM discussed with her about her campaign preparations, support for the BJP among the people, and other issues. Rekha Patra informed PM Modi about the difficulties faced by women in Sandeshkhali.
Expressing gratitude for being nominated, Rekha thanked the PM. PM Modi inquired about her feelings regarding taking up such a significant responsibility at this time. Rekha responded positively, expressing her happiness and feeling blessed to have the support of PM Modi and the people of Sandeshkhali. She compared the PM’s support to having the hand of God on their heads and felt that Lord Rama was with them.
PM Modi acknowledged the support of mothers and sisters, stating that their message reached him. He assured her of his efforts to stay in touch with BJP workers as much as possible.
Prime Minister Modi’s conversation with Rekha Patra reflects his concern for grassroots-level issues and his commitment to addressing them effectively.