On Wednesday, Rahul Gandhi launched a sharp attack on the central government during election rallies in Ramban and Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir. He vowed to restore Jammu and Kashmir’s statehood, which he said has been unjustly taken away. “The LG here acts like a king,” he remarked, adding that while earlier union territories were upgraded to statehood, the Modi government is now downgrading states to union territories.
Rahul Gandhi also took aim at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and industrialists Ambani and Adani. He noted that PM Modi, once confident, now appears to walk with slumped shoulders. Rahul also emphasized the importance of respecting the Constitution during his speech in Parliament.
The Congress party has formed an alliance with the National Conference for the Jammu and Kashmir elections. Out of 90 seats, the National Conference will contest 51, while Congress will contest 32. There will be friendly fights on five seats, with two seats allocated to CPI(M) and Panthers Party. The elections in Jammu and Kashmir are scheduled in three phases on September 18, September 25, and October 1. Congress has prepared a list of 40 star campaigners, including Mallikarjun Kharge, Sonia Gandhi, and Priyanka Gandhi.
Rahul Gandhi reiterated his promise to restore statehood, stressing that for the first time since 1947, a state has been stripped of its rights. He emphasized that it is the responsibility of all citizens to ensure that Jammu and Kashmir regains its statehood.
He also addressed the issue of debt waivers, accusing the Modi government of only forgiving the debts of billionaires while neglecting farmers and students. Rahul pledged that under a Congress-led government, debt relief would be extended to Jammu and Kashmir as well.
Rahul Gandhi asserted that the Modi government is now on the backfoot and that Congress has already defeated them psychologically. He concluded by stating that while BJP and RSS spread violence in the country, Congress will counter this hatred by “opening shops of love against hate.”
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