West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been seriously injured. Information about this was provided on social media by the Trinamool Congress. The TMC stated that their president and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee has suffered a major injury. In the images released, Mamata can be seen with a deep injury to her head, with blood coming out. She has been admitted to the hospital.
According to TMC sources, Chief Minister Mamata was taking a walk at the Kalighat residence on Thursday. It was at that time that she fell down. She was immediately taken inside the house. After that, the decision was taken to transfer her to the SSKM Hospital. Doctors have said that stitches will be required on her forehead. It is being reported that the injury is quite severe.
Our chairperson @MamataOfficial sustained a major injury.
— All India Trinamool Congress (@AITCofficial) March 14, 2024
Please keep her in your prayers 🙏🏻 pic.twitter.com/gqLqWm1HwE
Supporters and party workers of Mamata Banerjee have started gathering outside the SSKM Hospital. However, the party has said not to gather too much crowd around the hospital. It should be noted that Mamata Banerjee has been extremely active in the Lok Sabha elections in the past few days. She has been conducting vigorous election rallies and public meetings for several days.